Prominent Croatian Slavist, corresponding member of the Croatian academy of sciences and arts, literary theorist and theater expert, internationally renowned and world famous ecumenist Darko Gasparovic is tenth winner of World Prize of Humanism for 2016, awarded by Ohrid Academy of Humanism.
Following the decision of seven member international jury, chaired by the Rector of University of audiovisual arts, Jordan Plevnes, Mr. Gasparovic noted that, after awarding of World Prize of Humanism to the persons like Solzhenitsyn, Ravi Shankar, Oliveira, Peter Brook and Nobel laureate Herta Müller, his pleasure is even greater because next year Macedonia, entire Slavic world and all the international community will commemorate the 1100 anniversary from the death of St. Clement, founder of the first Slavic University and a student of St. Cyril and Methodius, who were declared as protectors of Europe.
The prize will be awarded during the celebration of Epiphany in 2016, in the House of Urania MANU.
At the same time in Ohrid will be promoted the project "Ohrid - World capital of Humanism" by Academician Svetlin Rusev of Bulgaria, who is also one of the previous winners of this high worldwide recognition.
Following the decision of seven member international jury, chaired by the Rector of University of audiovisual arts, Jordan Plevnes, Mr. Gasparovic noted that, after awarding of World Prize of Humanism to the persons like Solzhenitsyn, Ravi Shankar, Oliveira, Peter Brook and Nobel laureate Herta Müller, his pleasure is even greater because next year Macedonia, entire Slavic world and all the international community will commemorate the 1100 anniversary from the death of St. Clement, founder of the first Slavic University and a student of St. Cyril and Methodius, who were declared as protectors of Europe.
The prize will be awarded during the celebration of Epiphany in 2016, in the House of Urania MANU.
At the same time in Ohrid will be promoted the project "Ohrid - World capital of Humanism" by Academician Svetlin Rusev of Bulgaria, who is also one of the previous winners of this high worldwide recognition.